Give your body and soul what you need
Let’s face it: chocolate is simply delicious. But luckily for us all, there is so much more to RAW chocolate. Carefully made from raw cacao which is naturally super high in important nutrients and combined with amazing superfoods, raw chocolate is not only delicious on the tongue but can do good in your body, too. We illustrate some key benefits in small icons on our packaging. To help you understand what's behind those ingredients and claims, we've described them here.
Source of Iron or High in Iron
A vegan diet is often connected with iron deficiency symptoms. Iron is important for the transport of oxygen in your body. Iron deficiencies can be manifested, for example, by paleness, fatigue and problems with hair and nail growth. The iron content in our chocolate actually comes naturally from the raw cacao.
Mulberry Crunch, Cherry Chili, Almond Fig

Source of Magnesium
Magnesium is another very important nutrient for our body. This mineral plays a key role in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. Magnesium supports muscle and nerve function, regulates blood pressure and supports the immune system. And what better way to get some natural magnesium than in delicious chocolate?
Coconut Nibs, Pure Nibs

-35% sugar
These bars contain a full 35% less sugar than comparable chocolate products in the market while still being tasting mild, thanks to a carefully balanced recipe. We generally sweeten all our chocolate with natural coconut blossom nectar which has a much lower glycaemic index than normal refined sugar and even naturally contains some fibres.
Vegan M♥lk Dates & Nuts, Vegan M♥lk Hazelnut Matcha

Sweetened with Dates
Dates are super healthy and have a delicious natural sweetness. That's why we use them in some of our bars. They are a great energy supplier, contain hardly any fat and are very rich in vitamins and minerals. Besides potassium and magnesium, dates also contain iron, phosphorus and calcium, B vitamins and the amino acid tryptophan, which is converted by our body into the hormone melatonin. This is known for its calming effect on the nerves.
Extra Pure

High in Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the most effective nutrients you can give your body. It can boost your immune system, help fight cardiovascular disease and even fight eye disease and wrinkles. Our Golden White Hazelnut Acerola bar contains acerola cherry which is naturally very high in vitamin C.
Hazelnut Acerola

8g Protein
Protein helps form enzymes that drive many chemical reactions. It also makes haemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. The National Academy of Medicine recommends that an adult should consume at least 0.8 grams of protein per day for every kilogram of body weight. The 8g plant protein in our Protein chocolate comes from spirulina, almonds and hemp.
Protein Chocolate