Hey hejhej mats!
Hejhej mats are pioneers when it comes to sustainable and fairly produced yoga mats. Since everything is about mental health for us at the moment, we asked our friends three questions.
How can yoga positively influence mental health in addition to physical fitness?
Yoga is the perfect addition to physical fitness since you focus on training your mind. Your mind is one of the most important parts of your body, yet so few people take time to do something for their mind. We love to meditate and do yoga to care both about our body and our mind. Yoga often starts and ends with a meditation that helps you to settle, to just take a still moment in between the often so hectic daily life. So we love to take some yoga breaks - actually sometimes directly in the morning, in the middle of the day, and in between work, or directly before going to sleep. In these moments of yoga and meditation, we get really calm and relaxed, and afterward we feel strong and balanced. So we would totally recommend anyone to just try it out - it doesn't have to be a really long practice, just starting with a few minutes will already have a great effect.
You want to make the world a better place with a good and sustainable mat. How can a sustainable lifestyle affect your mental health for you?
For us, a healthy mind is connected with being happy and balanced in life - and this for us is only possible, when living in line with our planet. So when living a really consuming life and harming our planet, we don't think that we could be happy - we think that it could be exhausting for our mental health. A sustainable lifestyle is often connected with taking it slow, maybe with traveling through Europe instead of flying around the globe. For us, it's connected with consuming less, so really asking yourself whether you really need this certain product or not. So this automatically means that your mind is way more relaxed when only having less products in your life, when traveling slow, or when taking time to spend in nature. So doing something good for our planet is not only good for society and our nature - but also good for you!
If you could choose any message for a whole week on a big poster at a big building in the middle of Amsterdam or Berlin, what would it be?
Do you really need this product?
Reflect your consumption behavior and only buy products, when they are really needed! If needed go for it, but choose the most sustainable option - when possible circular products!